
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BTW PTSA Playbook for Academic Excellence

greatschools Public,Private and Charter
Left click on the image to enlarge. (adopted 08/05)

2008 School Performances Scores Released

On November 7, 2008 the Louisiana State Department of Education released individual school and district level scores. An article also appeared in The Times on November 8, 2008 regarding these results.

You may view the department's release and attachments by going to

BTW alums and friends must stay up on these results as they relate to our school.

Today, we are providing a brief snapshot in this forum.

  • The goal of this state's accountability system is for all schools to be at a score of 120 or higher by the year 2014.
  • BTW has a 2008 Baseline SPS of 54.9 (remember the goal is 120 by 2014)
  • BTW experienced growth of 3.1 although our growth target was 8.7
  • BTW has a growth label of "Minimal Academic Growth"
  • BTW has a performance label of "Academically Unacceptable" ( a minimum score of 60 is needed to avoid this label)

Our challenge as alums and friends of BTW is to direct our activities and energy toward helping the school achieve its vision of Academic Excellence.

Parents may want to refer to the PTSA Playbook for Academic Excellence for additional information and suggestions.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meeting Highlights

The foundation met on November 17, 2008. Highlights include:
  1. Dr. Curley White, Principal, provided the group an overview on and his impressions of the recently published district reorganization plans.
  2. Ms. Deloris Lynch, API, provided an update on the ACT Testing Program.
  3. The group voted to continue its financial support of the ACT Testing Program.

See the "Meetings " and "Major Financial Donations" Labels for additional information.

Thank you and hope to see more members at our next meeting helping us help our BTW.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Superintendent Wants to Make Significant Changes

In a November 1, 2008 Times story by reporter Ashley Northington, Caddo superintendent Gerald Dawkins apparently wants to shake things up significantly at the area's 11 low performing schools. BTW is among the 11 schools.

A major feature of the changes being considered is to declare "...all jobs in the parish's 11 academically unacceptable schools be vacated and the schools be reconfigured."

Apparently positions would then be open at each of the campuses for any and all applicants.

Additionally, it is reported that BTW would be reconfigured into BTW New Technology High School.

Core academic subjects would continue to be taught, however, with more focus. There are apparently no plans for admission requirements

Based on initial reported comments from selected school board members, it appears Mr. Dawkins has board support for the recommended changes.

Of course, these changes would also require state board approval as well.

Although these steps do appear radical indeed, they nevertheless pretty much follow the menu of choices available to a district under the state accountability law. In fact, the requirements for schools in SI 4 appear to include all or some of the following:

1. replace school staff;
2. implement new curriculum;
3. decrease management authority;
4. contract an outside expert;
5. extend the school year or school day;
6. restructure.